Malhas Confiding, Lda. |
Textile Materials Fabrics
Malhas Confiding, Lda.
Travessa Couto Manhente, 86
4750-561 Manhente
Barcelos - Portugal
Tel.: 253 843 698
Fax: 253 843 702
E-mail: comercial@malhasconfiding.pt
Website: malhasconfiding.pt
We see our customers as our partners, dealing on a competitive market, where the creativity and quality standards with competitive prices are vital to the brands recognition. That´s why we daily work to fulfil our customers’ needs and the dead lines required.
Our mission is to achieve the highest quality standards and innovation levels on the final product to satisfy the final customer.
Company has a very dedicated work team and has an excellent work environment with a vision of creating an organization that everyone would like to work with and work in, emphasising on team work to operate on defined systems ensuring straight follow up.
The company works with Oeko-Tex® certified partners.
An increase in the capacity to produce goods and services, together with our customers, choosing the best suppliers/partners. |
Malhas Confiding, Lda.
Fashion Collections Malhas Confiding, Lda.